Thailand - weather & travel conditions in December

Thailand Weather in December

December is amongst best months to travel in Thailand with weather condition is so favorable. Most parts the country now enjoy dry weather with blue sky and sunshine and both temperature and humidity are very moderate.

  • Bangkok and areas around in Central Thailand including Ayutthaya, Kanachaburi, Lop buri… now enjoy mild weather. Rainfall becomes lowest of the year and temperature stay around 30oC.
  • Northern Thailand in December sees almost no rain and so lovely with comfortable, cool daytime temperatures. When nights fall it can be a little cold especially on high altitude areas.
  • Northeastern Thailand from Nong Khai, Udon Thani all the way down to Ubon Ratchathani is just simply an extend of weather conditions in the north with lots of blue sky and bright sunshine. Temperature during this time is around 28oC.
  • Good condition also available in Eastern Thailand with moderate temperature and dry condition.
  • Southern Thailand sees still lots of rain on the east coast around Koh Samui, Ko Tao and Koh Pha Ngan whilst the west coast along Phuket now get back to its glorious days with lots of sunshine and blue sky are expected. Temperatures in this region is about 29oC.


H.M. The King’s Birthday

Celebrated on December 5th for the birthday of His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Throughout the kingdom homes and businesses are decorated with portraits of the king as well as royal and national flags. In Bangkok, particularly in the Rattakosin historic district, the area is elaborately decorated with flags and giant portraits of the Thai King.

Constitution Day

Celebrated on December 10th, this day commemorates the first constitution of Thailand, which came into effect in 1932. It marks the transformation of Thailand from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy.


This is new practice in Thailand and more like commercial and marketing event. Not surprisingly, Christmas trees can be found in Bangkok's shopping centers, rather than in people's living rooms! Parties can be found in hotels, restaurants and bars for both tourists and young locals.

New Year’s Eve

It is a public holiday in Thailand to mark the New Year. There are some activities including public performances, fire works. Parties atmosphere are high in cities centre and public places.

How to do and what to expect if travel in Thailand in December?

December is a good month to travel to and in Thailand. The country is now totally dominated by cool dry season with beautiful weather condition in all parts. 

This type of weather condition is suitable for all activities you can do for a trip. Adventure discoveries to far and remote regions in the north and northeast is now in full scale. Biking around or through the length of the country is at the best condition. River rafting, cruise and so on also proved to be good this time. In general, you can choose any type of activity and feel free to add almost any place into your itinerary.

If you do plan to travel to the north, northeast then light warm clothing is needed for the night time as the temperatures will be slightly cold.

Do expect the number of tourists to the country is high and price for services in popular place increasing. Booking should be done in advance as far as possible.

If you love beaches and water discovery then except the east coast on Thailand gulf is in the rainy season, other places including west coast and southeast of Thailand are your good choices.

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