Cambodia - weather & travel conditions in June


Cambodia weather in June is in full mode of the wet season with rain is expected throughout the country and precipitation is getting higher toward the end of the month. However, rainy days tend to have a few hours normally in the morning or evening rather than being all-day downpours and this help reduce the heat and humidity making it easier to travel and manage.
Average temperature in Phnom Penh is around 33oC, 6 hours of sunshine daily and rainfall is at level of 150mm throughout the month. At the same time rainfall in Siam Reap is slightly higher and temperature is around 32oC.
In the northeastern part of country including Kratie and Banlung of Ratanakiri the weather is more pleasant but the rainfall is expected to be heavier and higher.  
The south coast from Koh Kong down to Sihanoukville and Kep receive largest rainfall anyway, plenty of dry day with bright sunshine is still expected and the temperature here staying around 31oC.


Queen’s birthday
Celebrated on 18 June for The Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk.

How to do and what to expect if travel to Cambodia in June

As you know, Cambodia now is in the rainy season. Anyway, rainy days tend to have short times of heavy rain rather than being all-day downpours and lost of bright sunshine still expected. Avoid the rains in certain times of the day, normally in the morning or evening, you will find it quite easy and pleasant to travel in the country.
Apart from being a bit wet sometimes, the advantage of monsoonal Cambodia is that it breaks the heat and humidity and brings back the lush greenery to the country. Lakes, mangroves and forest are now full of life with birdlife is far more obvious. Angkor Wat can be stunning in wet season with unique appearance of the ruins on a lightning backdrop or brilliant sunshine and rainbow after the rain. A spectacular and delightful scene you can not resist! The low number of visitors at sites, particularly the Angkor, is also an advantage for those who want to escape from the crowds.
Adventure activities such as biking or trekking are not recommended and traveling to the rural remote areas like the northeast can be slowed considerably. You will still be able to go just about anywhere, it will just take longer. Beaches in the south coast can be a good choice if you have more time and want to discover the pristine landscape there.
In short, if you plan to visit Cambodia this time then one week or ten day is enough for an easy holiday to main highlights of the country and it should be a part of your holiday to this region.

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