Mrauk U

Mrauk U is an archaeological town in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar. From 14th to the late 17th century, it was the capital of the Mrauk U Kingdom, the most thriving and powerful Rakhine (Arakanese) kingdom.

The town was the gate where Hindu and SouthEast Asian cultures got blended in the past, so if you desire to explore a destination full of priceless historical and cultural value, Mrauk U should be taken a place on the list.

For a long time, Mrauk U seems to be abandoned and untouched, so the town is still an uncut gem with lots of hidden mysteries that seduce people to discover. By its mix-race culture, Mrauk U was influenced by the Hindu-Burmese traditional. The temples and pagodas made from hewn brick stones are the signatures of Mrauk U, which can’t be messed up with any other places in the world. Inside the complex, there are more than 80,000 ancient Buddha statues with peculiar figures. For a tour around Mrauk U, you should visit the Shite Thaung pagoda, bell-shaped Andaw temple, Myatanzaung, Mokseik Taw, Htuparyon,…Those temples and pagodas have unique vibe that could make you feel like joining in a Hollywood archaeological blockbuster. Don’t forget to take some fascinating photo shoots, especially while the town is being covered in mist.  

a lady is coming to Shite Thaung Pagoda

Shite Thaung pagoda

Climate, best time to visit Mrauk U.

Mrauk U lies on 6m above sea level. The climate there is tropical. Considering humidity, the weather is hot with not so much rain for most of the year. In Mrauk U, the average annual temperature is 26.0 °C.

The best time to visit Mrauk U is from November to the next April since the climate is quite favorable. The Shittaung Pagoda Festival is held every April. The main features are boat races - with real racing on the river and mock ones on land - as well as traditional wrestling competition

How to get in and out

Mrauk U is connected to other big cities and provinces of Myanmar by the highway, including Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, Ngapali, Pyay, Sittwe… If you are travelling from aboard, you can fly to Myanmar’s big cities, such as Yangon, Mandalay… before getting into the archaeological Mrauk U. You can also visit Mrauk U after the capital of Rakhine State - Sittwe.

To wander around Mrauk U, you can rent a bicycle or jump on a trisaw or horse cart.

After the discovery in Mrauk U, you can take a boat to Sittwe. There is an airport in Sittwe, from there, you can continue your journey to some other destinations, such as Yangon, Ngapali beach (Thandwe) or Kyauk Phyu.
